An "organinsation" revolving arounf illegal ways of making money such as "blackmail", "Violence" and "rackateering"
the mafia destroyes my bussiness
by john wilson October 28, 2003
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vice lords, a chicago/midwestern/southern street gang
im's mafia, mafia....yuh...yuh
by koop da kid April 24, 2006
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mafia is the term to an italian gang family, and are tuff like shit. they bascially mug, shoot, kill, threaten, ransom, smuggle, etc.
Mark: damn it man! i just got mugged by a mafia!

Bob: haha owned

Mark:why the fuck am i friends with u?
by Señor Pop November 7, 2009
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it stands for "mother and fathers (of the) italian association

the biggest association in the mob which a lot of people think is cool because they have no one else to idolize even though the mobsters commit horrible crimes.

It now can be used as a synonym for the mob, because you don't even have to be italian to say you're part of a mafia.
I am in the mafia...don't cross me or you'll wake up in your bed in a huge puddle of blood and a horses head that was chopped off.
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I quit playing mafia after 1 mission cuz that game sucked ass.
by cartman5000 July 25, 2004
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a guy who drives a 'food van' with freezer in the back (to store bodies) computer to store data (on dead bodies) smokes cigars, has friends in the mountains...
my dad and his family
by branded- February 9, 2004
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Though primary a term for Sicilian crime syndicates, it has also become a pejorative for the RIAA and MPAA due to what are perceived as shakedown or extortion tactics.
The MAFIA is going after BitTorrent tracker sites.
by ph08 July 11, 2008
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