a dog that is really gay; a cross between a fag and a dog.
by E_r_i_n November 10, 2007
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A word used to describe fast jogging ...also known as Fogging or to Fog
Hey tonight do you wanna go fogging with me ?

Its such a nice day , lets go and take a Fog .
by noname100 September 23, 2010
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A gay dog. Fag + Dog = Fog
That dog was so gay, it wasn't even a dog, it was a Fog.
by DianaBanana June 14, 2011
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Friend of Gays - Used to describe someone with a lot of gay friends, alternate to Fag Hag
My mum uses it all the time... I'm a real FOG. Or at a gay club you could say "It's a bit Foggy" to describe all the tag-along girls!!!
by simearse September 7, 2006
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(n.) Initials for the Mini-Game "Fists Of Guthix" in the game RuneScape.
Man 1: Hey, want to go play some FOG?

Man 2: Sure, let's pown some noobs.
by Tyler R. B. April 17, 2008
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A fog is A Fat Obese Giant = FOG

the word was created apon seeing a girl named jayde.
oh gee look at jayde

shes such a FOG!
by James Caporn December 12, 2007
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Fog-iT is an awesome lighting effects company to get lights from
by Doug October 17, 2003
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