Cultural appreciation is taking the time out to learn about different cultures and their traditions. To become more open in understanding the truths about a culture and embracing them in a respectful manner.

Every culture is absolutely beautiful and unique, and it's no wonder other cultures want emulate that.

Unfortunately, Cultural Appreciation can get confused with the term Cultural Appropriation
Cultural appreciation is enjoying foods and music from different cultures, and giving credit to the source.
by 11CheeseCake11 June 12, 2018
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A term that's commonly used to describe on YouTube commenters who watch videos that show either women doing things that could be considered erotic, clips of women in sexual or revealing outfits, or clips of women in positions that show off their boobs, thighs, and/or butt.

These clips and videos usually come from YouTube itself, Twitch, Tik Tok, and other platforms. They also typically appear in user's recommended and therefor compel them to watch them.
YouTube user: *Uploads a 10 second clip of a girl on Twitch wearing short shorts and a shirt that shows off her cleavage who gets up and walks out of the room*

Commenter: Greetings fellow men of culture.

Commenter: Gentlemen of culture we must stop meeting like this.

Commenter: Men of culture, we were bought by the mystery of the algorithm once more.

(Actual comments from a video)
by Fr0stySauce June 26, 2021
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A media entertainment brand that specializes in providing its audience with news, media, entertainment, content creation and digital marketing.
Hypeness Culture be posting everything!
by UrbanSoIL December 19, 2022
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Someone who identifies with at least some Catholic teachings and traditions, likely because of upbringing, but is not active in the Catholic Church.

A "cultural Catholic" was raised in a Catholic family, probably attended Catholic services as a child, and possibly attended Catholic school for at least a few years. Catholic teachings and traditions may influence the person's behavior, decision-making, and holiday celebrations, but a "cultural Catholic" no longer attends Mass or practices his or her faith. The person may continue to attend weddings, funerals, and other events that take place in the Catholic Church but does so out of consideration for family and friends rather than as an expression of his or her own faith.
That family goes to the movies rather than to Mass on Christmas Day, but they still incorporate a manger into their holiday decor because they're "cultural Catholics."
by FilmFanatic August 22, 2013
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A culture dedicated to the exploitation of loopholes, mainly the e-bike/moped loopholes.
I was lost until I discovered loophole culture
by Dillon Thomson September 19, 2020
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a cultural reset is when something big in well known pop culture changes or is added causing people to change the way they look at things or to have a lot of people hop on the trend.
when apple added the 🥺 emoji it was a cultural reset
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