Teresa Strasser - the #1 Jewish news reporter on The Adam Carolla Show.
Teresa Strassers glowing personality, witty banter, and excellent intuition on gay/nerd/weed walking and blah blah blog draws the listener in and keeps them there despite the sometimes uncouth remarks from her counter parts.
by VCA October 24, 2007
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Strasser co-hosts the Adam Corola show. She is soft spoken but has a razor sharp and classically smart sense of humor. She pays therapists to listen to her while ironically she's paid to be listened to. She also has two other jobs.

She also can bench press 450. She got a 1900 on SATs. She eats wasabi without tearing up. She has proven that inertia is NOT a property of matter. Buddhists have confirmed in a former life, she was a Tyrannosaurus. The 1 - 10 scale was only 1 - 9 before she came around. She wasn't scared at The Ring and didn't cry at The Titanic. She drinks flaming 151 shots for breakfast, sometimes poured over cheerios. She is allowed to go over on the Price is Right and still win.

Danny Bonaduce has her back so if you write negative things about her on urban dictionary you'll be thrown over his head.
Teresa Strasser probably is good at checkers but got picked last for dodge ball.
by Steinsensager October 24, 2007
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A person who is publicly charitable for personal gain.
Dave is such a Mother Teresa. Did you see him flashing the cash at that benefit gig with his new girlfriend?
by TrismegistusIII August 14, 2016
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The act of falling in love with a friend and confessing said love only to be rejected and lose friendship along with a Brovorce.
"So Elijah, are you going to ask out Sophie?"
"No, she just wants to be friends, I don't want to be Pulling a Teresa again!"
"Fair enough man, I know you really liked her."
by Vostrian Pen May 26, 2009
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Maria Teresa is the most beautiful woman in the whole galaxy. She is unique and a sex symbol. She is very smart, beautiful and the best person in the world. She likes meat balls. She is the best human being sexy in the world.

Maria Teresa is so good that a name with 2 names is short. Even summing all names in the world won't be even close to her. She is THE BEST.
Maria Teresa has beautiful eyes
by MonsieurLeChiffre November 22, 2021
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Cumming over a womans face while she protects he hair with a towel.
She let me cum over her face last night but insisted on covering her hair. It was like wanking off over Mother Teresa!
by Spikemac October 26, 2012
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