The leading cause of hatred on earth.

A label that someone puts one in to express their style of life. Often causing people to be bashed and made fun of. Being labeled and being expected to be like everybody else that's in the same label as you are.

A truly sick thing that people need to put an end to.
Bill: "Hey, I'm going to stereotype that girl as emo because she has black hair and has piercings."
Sara: "No, she's not. She's wearing a Casualties shirt, so she's ovbiously a Punk."
Smart Person: "Maybe she's just wearing those things because she likes them. It doesn't matter what she is. So shut the fuck up and get a life."
by A Pissed Off Girl February 26, 2009
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a "proven fact" which is always disproven by at least one person, rendering "stereotype" completely false. Dangerous to try stereotyping, it will always backfire
largely true perhaps, but prone to backfire, is any social stereotype. To be cut and dried, all emo kids have a unique clothing style(as far as i've seen) and an even more unique hairstyle. Punks that i've seen are typically incredibly naive, but there is always someone who will exist to disprove that statement.....
by Mr. Baltimore November 14, 2006
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When somebody says something about a certain group of people that a lot of people think is true but really it isnt.

Sometimes they are true though, but on a rare occasion.

Here are some examples.

All blacks like rap.

All white people from the south like country.

All blacks are gangsters and live in the ghetto.

All blondes are stupid.

All people with A.D.D or A.D.H.D are idiots who always get bad grades.

Everybody from the south is a redneck.

All Americans are money crazed.

All Canadians say "eh" all the time.

All emos cut and hate life (true)

These are all stereotype's.
by A person90 March 15, 2009
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People use them to feel good about themselves, to put people down and to make fun of them on how they are.
Also called, Labels.
Which are completelty f***ed up.
Labels can suck on my asshole.
Ryan: "Hey look at that emo kid over there. HEY GO CUT YOURSELF F***ING EMO!"
Dan: "Hey man, that's pretty rude of you to say, if you looked 'emo', would you want someone else telling you to go cut yourself? I don't think so. Don't stereotype people."
by klsdnflskdnglsknglnddfh March 14, 2008
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french are romantic
germens are serious
spanish are passionate
british are prudish
americans are free-minded
chinese are working hard
japanese are sly
koreans are nothing
stereotype rules indeed
by didier April 25, 2007
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1. The true definition of a stereotype is a true event or thing that has been replicated and has been made into some form of a legend. A stereo type is an idea of something that had happened but no more than it happens in the whole population
2. A stereotype of race or religion is used everyday by everyone even you. people can say racist remarks and not even notice it, everyone. A sterotype does not have bounderies, but mostly is place with race.
3. a sterotype is something that many beleive
Yes, some jewish people can be greedy, yes asians can't drive, or african americans can't get a job. That could be true. But those things are just as true as the entire world community. Everyone is greedy. Everyone can't drive well. And for sure EVERYONE can't get a job. A sterotype can be true but it can be used for everyone. That is why it is a sterotype. stereotype
by Victor Montemayor September 28, 2005
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Something that racial-fascists are sensitive to. Whiny minorities fail to realize that they themselves maintain ethnic barriers, due to their chronic bitching about offensive racial jibes. Taking stereotypes too seriously just draws more clear boundaries between ethnic groups.
News reporter: Highway traffic crawled down to 25 mph today after several Asian street racers induced a severe automobile logjam at the Route 15 off ramp due to bad driving. Wait, we have a caller.

Sensitive Asian Anonymous Caller #1: Yu lacist plick!
Sensitive Asian Anonymous Caller #2: Rook! Don't pray onto our stereotypes. We people, nawt stah-tis-tick!
by C Tan November 26, 2005
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