a person who has not made out
I knew she was square because all I got was a peck at the end of our amazing date
by Mandy Abbot March 30, 2005
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Common name for Market Square in Nottingham, England. Popular hang-out for teenagers of alternative culture on a Saturday.
by Abitha July 5, 2006
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Word used to describe someone who had their growth spurt in middle school and was the tallest, only to become one of the shortest people in Highschool. Squares overcompensate for their rapid decline in height rankings by going through a gym phase, bulking up and hence looking like squares.
"Hey do you know what happened to Christian?"
"He hasn't grown since 6th grade, he gyms now."
"Ah I remember, he was the tallest guy in our grade back then. What a square"
by Ugly dirtbag May 26, 2021
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term used by pimps to describe nonpimps
Don The Magic Juan: "All these squares don't know wut day missin', son. I got all this cash while they sit on day ass. Bitch please."
by Jeremy February 1, 2004
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Someone who doesn't feverishly dick ride very trend that comes out. Doesn't confuse pop culture with real culture.
Teeniebopper:Did yhu c wht happennd in jeruhzee sure las nite?
Square: Nope. not really a fan of the series.
Teeniebopper:omg, everee wun watches tht show. ur such a skware.

dick rider:Dude, I got like 9000 pairs of vans and skinnez. Counting them seperately.

Square:Wow, thats alot. I got one pair of vans, but I don't wear skinnies.

dick rider:?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! wtf you don't wear skinniez? fuckin square.

Square:Oh really
by oisdfjsdofijsd January 22, 2011
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