A moderator that values correct English but won't correct people only ban those who infringe too much.
Often a single use of 1337 5p34k will be met with a ban.
Multiple infringements of poor grammar use or a wall of text riddled with terrible grammar are also likely to result in a ban.

Not to be confused with a Grammar Nazi as Grammar Nazis tend to be helpful.
Not to be confused with people who are terrible at grammar, see "Grammar Jew".
Alice: "careful of your word choice here, the moderator is a Grammar Soviet."

Grammar Jew: "1337 5p34k 43v3r!"
<Grammar Jew was banned>
by EndlessFire April 11, 2018
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Another name for east germany during the cold war not to be confused with soviet russia
In soviet prussia you do not ride bikes,bikes ride YOU!
by Chickenhutftw November 13, 2017
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A soviet version of america where hot dogs eat you.
soviet america is beautiful .
by Imm0rtalGam3r February 17, 2018
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A country that still exists. The Soviets tricked us into thinking that they broke up in the 90s, but they really didn't.
The reason why the Siovet Union did not break up in the 90s was because they had no reason to. Bigger country=more power.
by Anonymous July 9, 2003
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A really bad supermarket characterised by poor produce selection and long lines at the check out.
Homeboy: If we gonna drink tequila we need to stop at the store and get some limes.

Dude: Just don't pull into the Soviet Safeway there is no way they got any!
by oldbull September 2, 2010
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Happens to be bullets used by the Soviet Union during their time of greatness
I'm finna pump ur bitch ass full of Soviet Steel
by Big Dick Flex August 3, 2017
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When you freeze a twinkie in the freezer and then once it's frozen you shove it in a girls vagina and leave it in there until it is fully defrosted. Then you eat the Twinkie.
I just had the best tasting soviet danish, dude!
by cubeboy August 7, 2011
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