A gay restaurant where they have sonic burgers which are really processed hedgehog meat. it is also the place where the LOSERZ in their roller skates roll to your car and give you food because you're to fucking lazy to get the food yourself. fag

dude #2: dude how the fuck do you go to a hedgehog


dude #2: OMG LETS GO
by Evilrainbow September 2, 2012
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to be stoked, excited, and really happy, kinda like the feeling you get when dancing at a club kinda like crunk but more towards the emotion
oi im sonic mate, fully sonic
lets get sonic
by some_bling August 7, 2007
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When a guy is sucking on his own penis and he is rolled over forward repeatedly as if he were sonic the hedgehog.
Jason always wants to just sit in his room and suck his penis so his wife would sonic him out the door and all the way to work
by lovestosplooge24 March 30, 2014
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a gay blue hedgehog that was made by sega, that was thought to have a chance to be a deacent rival aginst super mario. lately sonic games have been continuosly been made so sonic has new powers and new friends because the idea of a blue hedgehog running around is old and boring.
Bob: Hey dude look at this new sonic game
Edd: if its sonic its gotta be really bad
Bob: And why so?
Edd: Sonic was a dumb sega idea that was made so sega had a chance agianst nintendo's Super Mario and all he can do is run fast and and do a spinning jump
Edd: Super Mario is way better
Bob: Your right, sonic is sooooo gay
by 2Ninja4U August 28, 2009
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A franchise that went downhill since it first hit the market.
Sonic1 -> Sonic 3D -> Sonic 06
by SpartanBob July 4, 2009
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A person who is so whipped in a relationship that they are considered a sonic boom because of the sound a whip makes when its cracked
Bo is so sonic he always ditches us for his girlfriend
by evanWeezy January 30, 2011
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an orgasm between two lesbians
She is so sonic-worthy. So hott!
by Kay L March 18, 2008
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