When you take something away from a person quickly and unexpectedly.
Woman: *is holding her 3 month old baby in her arms*
Man: *takes the baby from the woman quickly and without her permission.*



Girl 1: "Hey look at my cool new iPhone 87X+!"

Girl 2: *takes it away from her without asking.*
Girl 2: "Snatched!"
by Yeet-o The Cheeto June 3, 2018
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a herd of multiple uteri; a plural amount of uterus in a pack; if a herd of lions is a pride, and a herd of wolves is a pack, then a herd of uteri are a snatch... A collective group of women, not necessarily a negative connotation...
Did you see the snatch of uteri that just walked into the bar?
by vanpirate January 16, 2009
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when you yank someones fake ass weave.
after that fight bonquisha had me snatched!!!
by shedank July 8, 2018
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damn i met this girl at the club last night and we went back to my crib and i put it in her snatch !
by Twidles December 26, 2006
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An alternattive to calling someone a fucking bitch or a cunt
You took the last of the toilet paper, you fucking snatch!
by Danny R. June 4, 2005
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A popular term, originating in the gay community but since appropriated by basics of all persuasions, indicating a particularly in shape physique. Namely, a requisite of snatched is the presence of six pack abs resulting from increased muscle definition and not simply general thinness revealing normal abs.
Wow he is snatched!
by dissentlabs October 26, 2018
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used infront of ho as in "snatch ho"
My snatch hurts!

You dumb snatch!

Snatch ho
by muwah August 14, 2008
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