An unsigned artist from Inkster, Michigan with crazy good lyrical skills. A soon to be legend in his own right.
Skinnie will make it and become legend. He is a New Legend as I speak.
by Star gold medal October 23, 2013
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lets go smoke a skinny
i could go for a skinny right now!
by Drew wahlgren May 7, 2004
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A very thin woman
Man 1-Wow look at her man is she A Skinny person or what?

Man2-Dude she is so skinny she could walk thru a harp!
by troubledemon March 27, 2010
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having a physical or mental craving for skinny boys.

symptoms include, but are not limited to:
shaky hands
Man, i had the skinnies like a BITCH, last night, so I called up (insert skinny boy`s name here) and made him take of his shirt and cuddle with me.
by Lizzzy January 14, 2006
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A slang term used to describe a hot, skinny emo or scene boy. Usually used to hide whom you are talking about instead of saying:
"Look at that hot emo kid." because it may be obvious of who you are talking about.
instead you might say:
"Omg, look at that skinny."
"I love all the skinnies there really hot."
by AnticXAshley January 19, 2008
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something that most females usually aspire to be. having like no meat at all on their bones.
young women tend to get overly cocky when theyre skinny. and often think they need to lose even more weight to be "beautiful"
when really they look stupid as hell and look like damn walking sticks and have absolutley NO ass or boobs or hips at all and still like to call themselves fat infront of lots of people just so they can feed their egos when those people say "oh your not fat, youre skinny as hell"

thats what makes those dumb bitches feel like the way they look is anything good when really they aint got shit.

i like to call them crackhead lookin bitches.
Look at that crackhead lookin bitch! damn she skinny as hell! dude that looks nasty as a mofo man!
by tgizz July 19, 2008
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slang word for niggers in "black hawk down" because they were really malnourished
Skinnies on the rooftop! Get the .50 cal!
by Bob Johnson March 19, 2005
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