Man I gone shred that pussy
by Micheal February 24, 2005
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To play freestyle footbag. Busting out big tricks and awesome combos.
Hey man, you wanna shred?
He was shredding it up at the comp.
by NotHisRealName August 28, 2006
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An act whereby a man or woman is encouraged by their partner to don a G-string/thong, pull siad thong up high around their waste and proceed to take a shit. As the shit comes out it will be 'shredded' in to 2 or more pieces. This act is known as shredding.
Dave: Hey Julie I'm well up for some shredding, where's your skimpiest thong?

Julie: Are you sure Dave? I had a HUGE curry last night.... feels like it may be a bit sloppy for shredding.

Dave: O yeah! the sloppier the better babe!
by Wanker Jack September 21, 2008
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The color your asshole is left after getting fucked in the ass by a twelve inch dick with no lube. (Shred = shit+red)
The cops will never take me alive again. My Shred ass can never go back to the pen.
by Richard Slick August 16, 2008
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To separate into strands with a sharp blade.
The ninja used his sword to shred the muggers who tried to rob him.
by AYB March 31, 2003
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The feeling woman get before or during menstruation when their uterine lining feels like it's going through a cheese grater.
I'd go out tonight but I'm fucking shredding right now.
by EJSK December 27, 2014
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I was in a grind sandwich, shredding with one guy, and grinding with the other.
by redwiteblkwa August 8, 2008
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