From his Saved by the Bell fame and now from his Saved by the Smell porn fame. To pull a Screech means for one to stoop as low as they can go to reclaim their lost financial or social success.
Dustin Diamond is Pulling a Screech by releasing a porn as he tries to raise money to save his house.
by Benjammin' September 29, 2006
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what someone does when they’re getting kidnapped/assaulted.
A: “lalalalalala we’re having a jolly not stinkle wonkle walk”
B: “for sure man!”
Woman: primal screech
A: “oh my god! i don’t believe me ears…”
B: “it’s the Primal Screech! go help her!
They save her
Woman: “omg thank u for saving me”
A and B: “it’s all thanks to the Primal Screech ™.
by iamusingthisusername October 1, 2023
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Like a figure of speech but used improperly or just wrong. Based on "Saved by the Bell" character, Samuel 'Screech' Powers, portrayed by actor Dustin Diamond. Sayings created by the spaz of the group that are so bad they are memorable and become common phrases.
figure of Screech: Jessie: How can we without hurting his feelings?

Screech: Why don't we just wave a skunk in front of him?

Screech: You know, Screech, for once you have a good idea?

Screech: Oh, a bully dumped me down the garbage chute. Someday I'm gonna get even with that girl.

Screech: If you want beautiful scenery, baby, wait 'til you see me in a wet T-shirt.

Screech: Who're you calling a cantaloupe, you melon head?
by AnimalMother969 April 25, 2015
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when you scratch you balls too much and it causes then to be rubbed raw
last night after masterbating i scratched my balls so much i had a screeching scrotum
by robert The Dood October 23, 2017
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1) v. to masturbate, particularly used when referring to male masturbation.

2) v. to stimulate another's penis manually.
1) Did John come to school today?
-Nope, he decided to stay home
and screech the weasel to some
Czech transsexual porn.

2) She hit me in the face, so I
made her screech my weasel for

Nota Bene : When used in the past tense, screech is not conjugated as "screeched," rather as "scroche," (pronounced "skROACH."
I heard Bob went over to Susan's.
Did they fool around?
-Nope, they just sat in separate
rooms all night and silently
scroche their respective weasels.
Ha, Bob gets no play.
by DasProfezzional May 4, 2005
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a raspberry between a girls breast, although not thought to be an actuall thing by majority of people, it is believed true by little boys, such as Dom M.

also known as a Whale Attack
"pffffft" that is the sound that a whale screech makes
by Escape! January 5, 2006
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Similar to the Dirty Sanchez, except the poo is wiped on the victim's face in the pattern of Dustin Diamond's facial hair.
Dude, I didn't know you grew a beard.

I didn't I just got a Dirty Screech!
by PilotMikeTx October 1, 2006
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