1) When you do not know the answer to something.

2) A plastic lace to make key rings.

3) A cartoon dog that can talk.
1) ''Has Marlon realised Amy and Mogilf are lesbians for each other yet?''
''Haven't a scooby.''

2) ''Look at the cool scooby key ring I made last night.''

3) ''I want to watch Scooby Doo on the television as he is a talking dog and solves mysterious.''
''So do I. I love Scooby Doo.''
by Sperm Merchant September 24, 2006
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(1)a joint or any rolled marijuana

(2)asking to start smoking with someone (weed or tobaco)
1.Dang dude thats a fat scooby

2.Hey dude wanna scooby
by koolgreenshitman August 22, 2008
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Adj. used to secretly call someone or something retarded without saying "retarded"
1: "Dude, we should go roller skating!"
2: "Nah man, that sounds super scooby."
1: "Wtf is that, nigga?"
by Buttcrafter May 3, 2015
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A person who claims to be a devout fan of a movie or book, yet they have not seen or read the original version.
"My friend says he loves the movie Psycho, but he has only seen the remake. He's definitely a scooby"

"My mother is a scooby. She says she is a fan of Harry Potter, but she's never read any of the books! She has only seen the movies."
by wrogers April 8, 2009
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Yoo better drop dem scoobies off
your ass before I blast you mutha
by Gmoney September 19, 2003
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