(v)-to make moves on a girl your friend is very obviously trying to pick up. Often malicious.
Mike: I can't believe I got rogered last night!!
David: I think he does it on purpose.
by D$$$$$$$$$ August 26, 2010
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Like Star Wars. Used under the intent of: cool offer, thanks for that fact that would even be an option,but also, probably not gonna be there.
Riley: Do you want to come on our show?

Sheamus: Roger roger
Riley: ... What happened man?
Sheamus: You were under the impression that roger roger usually means yes... But hey, that's wrong.
by ElBadHombre January 13, 2021
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Saying that you understand that and heard what the person said
Roger: Hey, That! Do you see that killer mongoose over there?

That: Roger That!

Roger: Why are you saying our names? Watch out for the mongoose!

That: What? Ohhhhh. Ahhhhh! Help!!

Roger: No.

That: Roger That! Ahhhhhhhh! Hes got me!!
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Cornflake S. Pecially: Too Many Rogers!
"Rodger to Rogers; This is Rodger, Rogers! Roger that, Rodger! This is Rogers, Rodger!"
by ANOTHERDEADROMEO March 14, 2023
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Rogers is a person you can always trust. He is smart, very funny, and will always find a way to make you laugh. Rogers is very great long lasting person in bed, he is the most amazing friend you could ever have. Whenever you are having a bad day he will be there to put a smile on your face. Rogers is a very unique and special person to have in your life and you won't want to lose him.
by Timothy Jackson Jr June 14, 2020
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