One of the University of California that has recently ranked among the top schools in the country in terms of affordability for college tuition (#25, Best College Buys, Forbes Magazine). UC Riverside is also listed among U.S. News and World Report's Top Ten "Up and Coming" National Universities, meaning it is improving to become a better school than any other schools.
Henry: "Hey, what school do you go to?"
Kim: "University of California, Riverside!"
Henry: "Nice. I heard UCR is improving. UCR wasn't a great school back then."
by UCR is a Great School May 2, 2010
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A little school located in loudoun county, Leesburg. A school where every student has their own 270,000 dollar Maserati and nigger slave.

For every white blond girl there is a baby in a womb and a creepy Mr. Skinny getting everyone pregnant.

Be aware of the Skinner, don't drop your pencil...
Dude have you gone to Riverside Highschool LCPS
Nah man, I don't wanna get ass-raped by that Skinner
by SkinnyAsianDick November 28, 2018
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A school in LCPS (now a controversial district according to national news) that serves the wealthiest communities. Founded in 2015. School staff, education, and safety is gold standard.

The typical ram species: a. athletic prowess, b. incredible wealth c. ditziness d. less incidents of "emo", e. mediocre intelligence . e. significant lack of personality, f. insecurity, g. stuck up, h. blandness, I. horrifyingly unoriginal sense of humor

Scientists question intelligence of the rams. It runs its deafening mating calls in the halls at decibels of 90+. Body odor is putrid, as showering is not a habit amongst them. Diet = unhealthy slop offered by LCPS to it's children. Many escape this prison yard for Chick-fil-a using their dad's money so they can survive lunchtime using their rich privilege. When a parent fails to provide needs of a ram, ex. getting the color of a car they wanted a bit off, they start shrieking and crying like a 3 yr old child.

Class 2019: Founding class! Teacher, staff, parent, and neighborhood faves. Rulers of the school and think they own it. Girls got smoker voices, but the staff knows not to dress code them. Get into Harvard..or even George Mason, or even Radford, your rep. will still be safe. If you are going to community college......ULTIMATE SOCIAL SUICIDE!!

Class 2020: Incredibly obnoxious, and nobody likes these brats. Ruined Riverside after coming here.

Class 2021: Decent people w/ manners.Less competitive academically, but still high achieving.
Clueless person: What school do you go to?
Person 2: Riverside Highschool LCPS.

Clueless person: Wow! I've heard that it is such a great school!
Person 2: Are you fucking kidding me?

ClueFUL person: LOL, you got to Riverside? I feel so bad for you. Good luck living!
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The best public middle school in America! Even though it has been stereotyped by many that it is a school only for pizza-faced nerds, there are still very fun people, like my friends, that attend RSA. We can have all the fun we want!
Johnny: What is the Riverside STEM Academy all about?
James: Don't go there, it is a school for ugly nerds.
Jack: Actually, it is more of a regular middle school than a school for nerds where you can actually score friends!
Johnny: Sign me up!
by 69Starship420 May 12, 2023
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When your having sex with a girl and you nut quicker than you thought, so you turn the condom inside out so you can rally for a little bit longer
- yo I used the riverside rally cap on this bitch last night
by Dirty Dick Isaac July 3, 2019
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Riverside High School is a school in Northern VA, and it contains a large population of celebrities.

The freshman class includes cocky students who think they know everything and are constantly being bullied by the "superior" upperclassmen. However, the freshmen actually do know everything, whether the upperclassmen like it or not.

The sophomore class includes a bunch of lazy, though hilarious, animals. The sophomores generally rule the school and always get into trouble for the dumbest reasons.

The junior class is basically just a bunch of perfect children who actually, unlike the rest of the school, know what they're doing. These students are always good at whatever they do.

The seniors, oh the seniors, are a collection of the most overhyped class you'll ever meet. They rule the school and make everyone their slaves, pretty much. Oh, and you'll probably never see them in school.
"Riverside High School? Never heard of it."

"Maybe i'll go to Riverside next year! Actually, i'd rather not lose brain cells..."

"Brah, the saiiihhhddde."
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A school located in Boardman, Oregon. Their mascot is the Pirates and their school colors are Blue, White and Black. Everybody at Riverside thinks they are the shit because they went to state. What's funny is that they lost, due to all their bragging. Besides losing at state, this school is also the home to the weirdest fights. During a fight, people witnessed a shoe flying. Other than losing at state and having the weirdest fights, Boardman is somewhat a decent school.
by RetardoHaha August 19, 2010
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