Its like a report card, but it still is the reason why suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death amongst people under the age of 18.
Karen: let me see your progress report.
Son: ok
Karen: Indecipherable yelling and screaming and whipping.

3 hours later

Son: *BANG!*
by MommypigSnortSnort October 16, 2020
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When you send an text message to a persons mobile phone, your phone lets you know that the other person has recieved the text by stalker report or Delivery report
I know Sammie got my text I got a stalker report back but she/he isnt texting me back!
by dryfoot July 17, 2008
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The show that comes on during second period at our school. Usually, the host will make fun of some sort of concept at the school. For the first episode he proved that dance was not a sport. It's a lot like the Colbert Report only the Madison Report is actually funny, look it up on youtube you'll laugh.
girl: Did you see the Madison Report?
boy: No
girl: Ah, it was good
by Jessica Miller April 15, 2008
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One of the most annoying 'features of Windows XP. However, it does produce the orgasmic feeling of telling Microsoft that there has been yet another problem with thier "operating" system
Windows Error Reporting has encountered an error, would you like you send an error report?
by IrishRepublicanArmy January 31, 2004
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BOSS: "Mya, Did you get the memo? We're now using the new cover on all TPS Reports. If you could just do that, that would be great. Thanks."
by Michael Bolton April 3, 2003
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your will
some person: "I just got my report card"
some other person: "Can I have your bike when you're dead?"
by mexican.potato February 21, 2023
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A sympathetic news story in the wake of criminal or unethical conduct by a minority member highlighting the stress the incident has caused others in the same minority.
The recent shooting at Fort Hood resulted in a spate of minority reports about Muslims in the military from the AP, Reuters, and major media outlets.
by Jamax November 7, 2009
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