A super beautiful girl who has a lot of friends. She has a great personality and is always surrounded by friends.
"Damn, Reese looks so hot today"
by SaiyanKilla May 29, 2017
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A major pothead. Typically is very short and tends to get in trouble with his school. Some Reeses are wangsters. Reeses Pretend to be poor victimized gangsters when they are usually rich ass Jehovah's Witnesses who live in wealthy communities on the outskirts of cities.
Me: "Hey Reese! What are you doing this Saturday?"

Reese: "I gon' sip some a da purple drank wit my niggas! You know what it be, cracka!"

Me: *rolls eyes* "....Well have a fun time knocking on doors with your rich JW family"
by ass impaler June 12, 2013
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Reese is a beautiful girl on the shorter side, with dark brown eyes and wavy black hair, sometimes dipped in green.

She loves to make jokes and make people laugh. She acts like she hates you, when she's really your friend.

Popular among both boys and girls, she's usually surrounded by friends.

Don't get on her bad side or you're likely to get your face punched in.
"Did you see Reese the other day? She was laughing her head off."
by Secret Admirer... (don't tell) November 10, 2017
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To have a fetish for black women.

Slut by nature and very easy to get with.

Easily put under the influence.

Having the tolerance of a 6 year old girl
"man that Kyle guy is such a dirty reese."
by panda3338 March 9, 2010
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A annoying little cunt licker that jerks off to my little pony at night and makes orgasm noises. Also he cheats on his girlfriends with his dad and cheats on him with is small ass dog, he is also said to be very blind and perverted.
Is that a pervert? No, it's a reese.
by RiceInMyDonkey May 5, 2019
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