To bend over and shit on yourself
"Ahh fuck Steve why are you raping on my bed?!"
by NiqqaRapper October 9, 2019
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To fuck your cousins against their will and your mom
by 696ix9ine69 August 30, 2019
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Did you really just search up rape on the urban dictionary?
Rape is when someone forces sex
by xYukiKatzzx November 9, 2019
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1. When a guy makes a girl feel uncomfortable.

2. Whatever a girl says it means at the moment.
Girls walking to their next class, Victomhood 101.
Girl 1: OMG that creepy nerd just looked at me, I feel so uncomfortable.
Girl 2: Call the police, girl. If he made you feel uncomfortable it counts as rape.
Girl 1: Really? If that’s true then my bed rapes me every night.
Girl 2: Easy fix, girl. You just need a new mattress.
Girl 1: (dials 911) This nerd at my school just raped me... no I don’t know his name... no I’ve never seen him before... it didn’t really happen in a specific place, just out on the sidewalk I guess... ok thanks bye.
Nerd with full scholarship gets thrown in jail.
2 years later, someone overhears girl telling her friend that nerd didn’t really rape her.
Nerd gets released, but doesn’t get his scholarship back and doesn’t get taken off the sex offenders list.
Girl does 5 hours of community service.
by omihek November 26, 2018
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You can run... but you cant hide.
"bro I theres a big black dude in the showers who's trying to rape me"
by mrjackballs March 16, 2022
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Penis somewere not good
"I was out on the bar yesterday and met this guy. The next thing you know, i got raped". "Oh no, did you get penis somewere not good?"
by Siru January 29, 2018
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