A word that gained popular usage in the 1980s. It is an abbreviation or "radical," and is a synonym or cool and/or stellar. Synonymous with surf bums and teens who think they are still in the 1980s.
Surf bum: Duuude, I just got tubed in the most righteous wave today!
Valley girl with big blonde hair and spandex: Like, ohmygod, that is SO rad!
by Sir Joshizzle July 14, 2006
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two of the baddest bitches in battle mountain that go by the names of Abbie and Hailey . Breaking hearts left and right , slayin hoes up and down
Did you see the rads lookin supa fine today ?
by -Axx February 3, 2016
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The general aesthetic of a blunt and a blowjob.
"Dude, a blunt and a blowjob would be rad right now."
by Nificus April 3, 2017
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Short version of radical. It means cool.
Dude 1: Whoa, that new bike o' yours so rad, man!
Dude 2: Thank ya, bro.
by NachoNeko June 3, 2015
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It means cool/awesome.
The word "rad" is used by hipsters.
A: Hey dude, your gaming skills are so rad!
B: Haha, thanks dude.
by TNFSG June 20, 2017
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Your hair has a rad flow
by February 18, 2022
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