A portuguese breakfast is when a woman stands on her head so she is upside down and then spreads her legs apart so that her vagina is open. A man then takes a fresh ostrich egg and cracks it open, pouring the contents into the womans vagina. The man then has sex with the woman while she remains in this position. Once finished the woman squats over a frying pan and releases the contents into the pan. Cook just like scrambled eggs and voila, a portuguese breakfast.
Nothing satisfied paul more than waking up and helping his mother to prepare a nice portuguese breakfast after a night of drinking.
by lilas February 8, 2007
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Cousin to the Farmers Tan, The Portuguese Tuxedo is obtained by working long days in the sun landscaping.

While the Farmers Tan only tans the face neck and half way up the arm due to the shirt of choice being a T-Shirt. The Portuguese Tuxedo goes the extra mile and tans the face, neck and the entire arm as the shirt of choice here is a tank top.

This is a noble and proud look for the Portuguese Male however, it is not well worn by average White Male.
Guy1: You know how I can tell that it is summertime.
Guy 2: How?
Guy1: All the landscapers getting out of that Portuguese Limousine have their Portuguese Tuxedos on.

Guy 1: Someone should tell that guy to put his shirt on while he swims.
Guy 2: Why?
Guy 1: His Portuguese Tuxedo is upsetting the children. Doesn't he know this is a family BBQ.
by CMAK! August 9, 2010
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A bribe or backhander. The Portuguese salute is executed by putting your hand behind your back (to pass a bribe).
The builder gave the official a Portuguese salute to have the plans passed.
by Hilary D September 11, 2007
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Follow Portuguese Breakfast instructions, but after frying the eggs in the pan, let cool on the windowsill like apple pie, and then dish out the cooled scrambled eggs back in the woman's vagina, have sex with her while she remains in this position, and then have her pour the hot contents onto a plate and voila, a Portuguese Brunch.
Portuguese Brunch, like scrambling eggs in a pan, but instead of a whisk, just screw her.
by PBrunch June 12, 2009
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Motorsport term. flicking the car to the left just before a left hand turn to help slide the car into the corner.

Can also be described as a scananavian flick, but only on a right hand corner.
I came in waaay to deep, flicked the car into portuguese hammer and slid all the way through the corner at 45 deg!
by Kaboochie Monkey September 7, 2010
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Its when a woman puts her legs behind her head and the man cracks an egg in a bowl with chopped up ham and chives and cheese, mixes it up and pours it into her ass. Then she squats over a hot griddle and shits the mix onto the griddle. The man cooks the mixture and eats it.
Dick and Jane made a Portuguese Omlet
by Mistahtom September 3, 2005
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