(Slang) A nun, mother superior, or other female Catholic employed by the Church. Origins in the similarity of dress (typical nuns wear habits colored black and white).
"We have to go meet with the penguins," Ellwood told his brother Jake upon leaving the Rock Island, Illinois prison.
by jkp1187 January 23, 2004
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(1) (noun) The next sentient species of planet Earth. After the extinction of the human race, along with 99.99% of the world's ecology, due to human apathy/ignorance/stupidity.

(2) (noun) A tasty substitute for chicken meat.

(3) (verb) To pull down a person's pants and/or underwear to their ankles, usually as a prank, causing them to walk like a penguin.

(4) (verb) To walk like a penguin, often with an article of clothing loosely binding one's ankles.
(1)"The early cave paintings of prehistoric penguins shows signs of creativity, expressed by the use of flipper prints as a crude type of the artist's signature." - Hatchling's First Big Book of Science

(2) After the storm prevented any form of resupply, the Antartic research team ate all the research penguins.

(3) She remembered the John Smith from a few months ago. He stiffed her payment then, so she would penguin him later.

(4) John Smith penguined out the door, chasing after her, while shouting obsceneties.
by That's Mr. Penguin to You February 20, 2005
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1. another sexy animal although populating this world may also be found in mine and others imaginations romping with the snufallofaguses.
by super k March 3, 2007
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A slur for someone born in Antarctica, referring to their love of fucking penguins
Damn Penguiners are stealing our jobs
by Sassyshooty September 9, 2022
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adj. something that is both awesome and completely off-subject. A brilliant way to replace "random" which has lost all meaning and descended into becoming a faux-pas to many people.
Person 1)"Pancakes are fun"
Person 2)"I love urbandictionary.com!"
Person 1)"That is so penguins."
by Zanda Panda August 28, 2008
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a member of the group of "birds" known as penguins. in reality they are an evil race of aliens who have been in hiding but will soon rise up and enslave or kill all humans.
Holy shit! That penguin just killed Dave! They're attacking!
by TheMute1 October 26, 2004
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