When you go into a store just to eat all of the free samples. It is similar to a shopping spree, except that you're looking for free samples instead of things to buy. This is mainly used as an easy way to get free food and annoy the hell out of the store at the same time.
John: Man, I'm SO BORED.

Jake: Dude, let's go on a sampling spree at Terribly Named Mart and see how long it takes for the employees to get mad at us.

John: Alright bro! Let's do it!
by SkllzMstrX February 7, 2012
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When a girl or guy is aggressively looking for their potential spouse, usually in their late 30s, and has several dates a day/week/month with different potential mates in order to determine the winning lifetime partner. Most of the dates are generated from mixers, school alumni events, parties, church, work, set-ups, referrals, chance meetings, and the Internet.
Gina: Hey Amy, are you busy Friday?
Amy: Yes, I have a date with Ryan.
Gina: How about Saturday?
Amy: Date with Johnny.
Gina: I can't wait until your dating spree is over so we can hang out again.
Amy: You & me both!

Chris: I can't keep track of my schedule with all of these dates!
Ben: With each one, you're that much closer to finding the one, then you'll be done with your dating spree!
by Thunder Stone December 18, 2013
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The most amazing band ever. Consisting of 20 something members playing nearly every instrument known to man (including the thermin!).
Large group of loud people
by Drake May 6, 2005
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In Unreal Tournament, getting 5 frags in a row without dying.
You killed pwnage_r0xx0r
Killing Spree!!!
by MetaPaladin November 2, 2003
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The act of friending many people at one time on Facebook.
Friend #1: Dude, she finally friended me. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get laid now.

Friend #2: Nah guy. She just friended me and everyone else that was at that party. Bitch is on a friending spree. Sorry.
by fratmon October 7, 2010
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to be owning consecutively
person 1: yo jamaal i see you with a different girl everytime

person 2: your owning spree aint gonna last jamaal

person 1: i just got 4 different digits right now, u see that?

person 2: ya ya, i saw your owning spree
by Razmatazz February 15, 2005
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When you go to Wikipedia for some reason, end up clicking one link, then another, then another, until hours has passed and you have no idea what you first came to read about. This realization is usually followed by futile attempts to retrace the steps in your mind.
I just went on a mad Wiki spree! I was on Wikipedia to read about the Seychelles, then an hour later I found myself reading about the history of erotic depictions, PDA, and the demographics of China! I have no idea how I got there :(
by Iddap June 15, 2010
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