The term used for when you wish to purchase 50000 copies of Spectre (007 Film) on DVD, but only pirated versions.
Person 1: Bong Noi Nguyen 50000 copies of Spectre?
Person 2: Are they good quality?
Person 1: Pirated just for you
Person 2: I'll take the lot
by Cocodecahedrum June 13, 2016
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by mu-noi-choong September 4, 2003
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its just code for saying white boy
check out the wi-nite bi-noy in the limo .
by slicc nicc June 14, 2010
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Spoken by Carmin_35, the origin of the word takes place back in 2021. It means ''how suspicious it would have been if we were talking in math'', Carmin_35 is a popular member of ROBLOX Romania.
Carmin_35: ”Oare cat de suspect ar fi fost daca noi vorbeam prin matematica.”
HermmanSigmaringen:”esti cringe.” ( You're Cringe )
by Vosifey200 February 20, 2022
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No, not, or nope
Person 1: NOY fish

Person 2: we only have fish

Person 1: well I’m going to a place that has NOY fish
by Kayt Marie July 26, 2020
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