Respond only if you are unable to attend the event
Regrets only to Suzy Q. 619-619-6199
by CassCool March 12, 2009
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The feeling you get when looking back or remembering your old facebook posts, status', pictures, etc. and realize that they were dumb as hell or made no sense.
Guy 1:"Do you remember when we had that five day conversation on facebook about pokemon? I'm having some comment regret about that."
Guy 1:"I'm feeling some comment regret about those pictures I posted of me passed out drunk now that my mom saw them and took away my tuition."
by b jeezy January 16, 2011
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This is the feeling a writer gets when finding mistakes and typos in their old works. This feeling is especially strong if the pieces were published.
Anna had a case of writer's regret when she was re-reading her old newspaper articles.
by KWriter January 24, 2015
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When a celebrity, influencer or politician write, post pics or comment on something thinking it’s insightful or inspiring for likes. Instead it has tag and drag written all over it. After receiving lots of backlash possibly putting them in the crosshairs of cancel culture. As quickly as the post, pic or comment went viral the apology expressing their regret for the post, pics or comment will be deleted.
Did you read Ol’ Boy’s post on Twitter yesterday?

Sure did and after the tag and drag session he went through. It’s safe to say he had Twitter Regret because he has since deleted the post.
by Starving Artist246 June 22, 2023
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When you write post thinking its something inspiring or trending. But instead it receives lots of backlash. Due to the backlash you post an apology expressing your regret hitting send and delete the post.
Did you read Gina’s post on Facebook?

Yeah, I did and it had Facebook Regret written all over it. She since apologized and deleted the post.
by Starving Artist246 June 22, 2023
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The disappointing feeling you get after you eat at Arbys.
I don't know why I went to Arbys for lunch. I am always disappointed and I get arby's regret when I get back to work.
by ZHulk09 October 11, 2013
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The dejected feeling that is a result of discovering a use for something that you used to own but since have thrown away.
The hoarder felt purge regret when she realized she had thrown out something seemingly useless; but that item turned out to be valuable.
by andiebrite September 5, 2010
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