A ned is the proper name for a stainless steel dishwashing scrubby that is placed above a sink drain to keep the drain flowing, free from any clogging that may occur. Named after Ned Bechtold who developed this technique.
Hey Chris, don't forget to put a ned in that sink of the fish scales are gonna clog it up real quick.
by MongerX August 29, 2009
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A lovely intelligent boy, generally likes to stay home and relax.
Enjoys smoking pot and hanging out with friends in his home in the forest
Ned also known as nedalicious
by the girlfromthe place February 3, 2010
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Neds are so like totally beastly man, pure hard mans like, flip reverse it! oh, yeah? Ye want a fight? i'm gonna f****************** deck ya, ye little ponc.

complete with burberry, and a 'cool' walk (think a weird kangaroo)
Think of a nice, well educated, polite charming person like myself, and the person who threatened me (aged 10) and the rest of my family on my dad's birthday and said (quote) i'm gonna slash yer throat, i'm gonna chuck you over this cliff, etc.
by Annabel May 21, 2004
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The act of being a nerd, without the R of course. This word can be used as a noun, adjective or a noun.
by Bigyak September 7, 2011
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Ned is a loving caring person. He loves helping kids and pleasuring them filling them with his magical spunk. His hobbo looks represents his thirst for juicy ass and loves a naughty little wank every now again often to great powers like Donald trump or the queen.
Ned stop wanking bro OR leave that kid alone
by K1Mist January 20, 2022
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Non-Educated Delinquent.
Usually found in or around Glasgow, Scotland hanging around shop corners drinking a tonic wine named "Buckfast" and showing each other their 'blades'
by Stewart Hannan July 20, 2005
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in scotland usually glasgow, a person who will wear white (usually lacoste) tracksuits, burberry hats and a lot of fake gold jewelery. speak a ceratin way, usually hang about getting drunk/wasted/vandalising/fighing. stands for non educated delinquent
ned 1: aight man?
ned 2: aye who dae yous fight fare
ned 1: shawlands
ned 2: i fight fer newton mearns ye fucking shawlnds wanker
by kinkyboots September 5, 2006
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