A terrible, terrible hockey team. The only people that keep them in the game at all are Pekka Rinne, Shane O'Brien, and Shea Weber. Nashville shouldn't have a hockey team. They should stick to incest and nascar. Just get out. Thanks.
Bob: The Nashville Predators are horrible.
Joe: You just noticed? They can't put a puck in the net.
by Buttsecks12345 April 29, 2011
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The WORST hockey team EVER!!!! They are much worse than the St. Louis Blues.
Jessie: So I don't like the Nashville Predators very much. How about you Maria?

Maria: I agree, I think they are the worst hockey team ever created. They should just stop playing.
by Jam91 April 2, 2009
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Nashville, Tennessee is the worst city in the world. It's like hell. Miley Cyrus rapes all the children who live here.
by your mother in hell December 11, 2010
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A school located in, you guessed it, Nashville, TN. It's a lot like the movie Fame if the movie Fame was made up entirely of the bits where they smoked pot. I've heard that people occasionally learn things there, but that is still unconfirmed.
I got kicked out of Nashville School of the Arts.
by Principal boB March 15, 2009
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The Nashville Nutter Butter is the action of ejaculating on your partners back in order to create a buttery surface. You then will dump a bucket of popcorn on the lubricated surface to create buttery popcorn. You then finish the act by watching a movie with them while eating the popcorn.
I wanted to try the Nashville Nutter Butter with my girlfriend, but she wasn’t up for it.
by Lord WizarD III November 2, 2020
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One of the best school in Tennessee. USN is mostly known for their academics and not so much their sports although, some of the best athletes graduate from USN. USN, also called JewSN, is full of diverse people because the people at USN are very accepting.
"Did you see that weird girl? She probably from University School of Nashville."
"Ya, she's probably smart!"
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When you shit into a Fleshlight, then fuck it. It works best with post-Taco Bell diarrhea. This is not to be confused with the Kentucky Hot Box, which is essentially the same thing but your sister holds the Fleshlight.
Me and Eugene ran out of lube so we were forced to do a Nashville Hot Box. Luckily for us we had bean burritos for lunch.
by Mango024 March 23, 2016
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