A magical vagina that pops out 2,000 babies per second.
Ever hooker I've meet had a Mystic Taco
by Mystical Guru June 29, 2010
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Mystical Game are types of games played by mystical gamers. They contain mystical characters with their mystical powers in a mystical land and they are controlled by mystical gamers who often spend multiple hours playing the game.These mystical games often last for 30 mins or more.
Krystin: David, you have been playing that mystical game the entire Saturday. Get off it

David: I have not been playing this mystical game the whole day...
by ShieldOfDeadman September 25, 2013
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When one farts under a cover/blanket while with a significant other. As the significant other moves or adjusts said cover/blanket a breeze of fart slaps them in the face.
Girl: "Sean gave me the mystic winds again last night."

Guys friends: "Thats what you get on taco Tuesday."
by Ranger_Stan December 13, 2015
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The worst book ever for the right reasons, and the best book for the wrong ones.
Otau: "Hey guys I wrote a new Purple Mystic chapter!"
Johney: "Have you considered changing the genre to comedy?"
by Johney the Great February 28, 2022
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The blue team of Pokémon Go. While easily the most popular team in the game, the majority seems to be the most butthurt. When they're not busy getting their gyms taken from them, they can be found on various forums either touting how smart they are, or calling Team Valor brainless jocks.


When encountered in the wild, the bulk of Team Mystic seems to be made up of teenagers or salty neckbeards complaining about the heat.
Team Mystic would have the White House if they spent less time calling Valor dumb.
by Budhurt July 25, 2016
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Mystics, of any religion, are those who have an especially close relationship with God.
"Every nun is supposed to be a Christian Mystic."

If at first you don't agree,
Say it over and over,
and you will see.
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