The residue left after a Dirty Sanchez on the upper lip of the receiver, wich resembles the deposit on someone's upper lip after downing a big glass of Quick Chocolate Milk.
You dont believe me that Sonia got Dirty Sanchezed last night?!!! Look at her, you can still see her Quick Mustache !!!
by Cart + Meuv August 28, 2009
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Society of Qualified Unprofessional Individuals Seeking to Help You Muster Up Stamina to Acquire Cuddly Hugs Earth-wide.
by thunderbash June 22, 2011
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Nasal mucus on the upper lip as a result of cold weather.
Hey Patrick, wipe off your Yankee Mustache, ya freakin' losah!
by Dick Shannery April 14, 2019
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When you have mustache stubble and eat a girl out. It gives her a rash.
"I give rashes with my mustaches"

"My pussy hurt so bad from that mustache rash"
by Mustache rash January 11, 2014
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When a girl sits on the face of a guy with a mustache and he gives her oral sex.
During sex, Lisa sat on Tom's face and got a mustache ride.
by Seth P July 7, 2005
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The "prison mustache", as popularized by members of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang is an exaggerated version of the Handlebar Mustache. The ends of the "handlebars" are allowed to grow very thick and bushy. It somewhat resembles a long, thick goatee beard with the point of the chin shaved.
That guy is definitely an ex-con. Look at his prison mustache and his Nazi Low Rider tats.
by sparkhammer November 9, 2010
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