To pleasure yourself in an undisclosed, unwarrented area of another person's house
Billy wanted to wax the lobby in the computer room while everyone else was sleeping
by Jenny jones July 25, 2006
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when an online gamer goes into a lobby (halo, call of duty, etc) then quits right before the game starts just to annoy people.
gamer #1 the game is about to begin with a full lobby. this is gonna be awesome.

gamer #2 f@#k, we got lobby hoppers. this game is gonna suck now.
by the guy who hates campers December 8, 2010
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Someone who joins a game in most common circumstances Modern Warfare 2 to block slots so that several people in the game can boost.

The aim of the lobby locker is to fill the slot so that a random doesnt join the game and spoil the boosting session. The locker usually just roams the map without interfearing with the other people gaming.

Lobby lockers can range in numbers from 1 up to however many.
Hey John we need to get some Lobby Lockers for our boosting session later, lets see if we can get some
by Jaison Chamsine January 4, 2010
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Term used for the prostitute that a hotel concierge calls regularly and is typically waiting in the hotel lobby.
A: Concierge desk, how can I help you?

B: Yes, can you send the lobby baby to room 2134.

A: She or He?

B: She please and be quick about it.

A: Very good, Ma'm, your lobby baby is on the way now.
by zbunnyzero April 16, 2018
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Packing a huge amount of weaponry, generally concealed. Derived from the signature Matrix scene in which Neo, the protagonist of said movie, defeats an entire military squad with a vast array of firearms concealed under his trenchcoat.

Can be used for replica (i.e. paintball or airsoft) weaponry as well as the real deal.
"Dude, yesterday I had an airsoft match with the guys down at the field."
"Well, what happened?"
"We were having a blast and then Jonathan went all Government Lobby on us. I swear, he went through 4 pairs of pistols he had under his jacket."
"He'd borrowed them from me and he left them all out on the grass."
by Airsofter October 5, 2007
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When a woman uses her vagina to get what she wants, she influences the actions of men with sex. some believe a master of cock lobbying could get away with murder or even get rich.
Person 1: "I don't know why I keep buying things for Julie."
Person 2: "Oh bro, she's totally cock lobbying you."
Person 1: "No way dude!!"
Person 2: "Then why did you give her all your belongings?"
Person 1: "....... Oh shit.. I've been cock lobbied."
by Ew! January 25, 2015
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When you smack someone in fortnite, scream this phrase to let them know they suck and need to go watch film
Ninja killed Tfue and screamedback to the lobby nerd!”
by creasypoo May 20, 2019
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