When you can’t afford milk, so you flog it from the work place!
Flatmate: Kev, we’ve run out of milk
Kev: Don’t worry, I’ll flog some from work!
Flatemate: Pulling “A Milky Kev” I see!
by Gurriffic May 19, 2021
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'Your opinion doesn't is irrelevant to me'
You're gay FiKev. 'Your opinion doesn't is irrelevant to me'
by l3l? February 12, 2014
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An act of semi-rape. Named after the man who first performed this action on New Years Day. To be "Kev Kaned" is to be fingered whilst heavily drunk, objecting to it but because you're so drunk you are vunerable and just leave it.
Person 1: Holy s**t, did you hear what happened to Jessica?
Person 2: OMG what????
Person 1: She was Kev Kaned at the weekend!
Person 2: F**king hell.
by Yo mama is so fat LULZ February 3, 2008
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A Sarcastic Reaction To Something Obvious Or Boring.
"Math Is Boring."
"Cheers Kev"
by Potteratthedisco March 30, 2016
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Every generation has its kev car. in the 80's it was the mk2 escort, then the nova, corsa, saxo and now thanks to the influence of the film "the fast and the furious" (or "to daft to be serious" as I like to call it) it seems to be the Honda civic.
Almost always D.I.Y modified deathtraps driven by retards.
A kid i was at college with had a kev car that he had to drive with the bonnet proped open to stop the engine overheating. He changed the engine from a 1.1 to a 2Ltr but didn't have enough room to change the radiator....Fucktard!!!
by MrFlibble December 20, 2006
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big kid with huge chode and a really big bag
hes got a huge kev jev
by danumm December 10, 2013
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Kev Hor is the most attractive guy. Mature, Fit, and Kind.

Be like Kev Hor.
Hi, you are very Kev Hor.
by CTdat November 24, 2021
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