Kaitlyn is honestly the hottest person you will ever meet. She will be kind and loving to everyone around her. If you are the lucky person that she loves you better not screw it up. You will never find anyone like her. She is the most beautiful person on the planet and she doesn't care he she looks and everyone loves it. Every guy goes after her and talks about her to all their friends.
Guy one: She is the most beautiful thing iv'e ever seen!!
Guy 2: Yea she must be a kaitlyn. I got dibs!!!
by starbucks 234 February 11, 2018
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perfection. i would write more than anyone could ever read, but then y’all would read it. so in all simplicity, a kaitlyn is perfect.
did you see her???

yea, she’s a kaitlyn, i can already tell.
by kaitlyn.brown.twitty January 19, 2018
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1.A woman full of love and enthusiasm that brings prosperity and happiness.

2.A blessing.
Man i wish i was a Kaitlyn A, than maybe everyone would like me.
by unspokenwords12345 October 26, 2010
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The girl who always tends to have mental breakdowns and during those she does stupid things. But that doesn’t matter because Kaitlyn is your friend and she will stick around for awhile.
Yo Kaitlyn how did you get ur bangs? Uh I had a mental breakdown and they turned into stubbles
by Kaitlynsfriend June 4, 2019
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Kaitlyn is very nice and really cares for her friends. No matter what she won’t give up on you. She can be mean at times and a bitch but is super cute and sweet. When she sees a crush she can only tell the friends she trusts. She loves to care more than to hurt. No one can change the way she is. She will be there to protect her friends.
Girl 1: Hey who’s that?
Girl 2: that’s kaitlyn she’s very sweet you should be friends with her
by Hello92728 May 21, 2018
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Kaitlyn is an asshole
Kaitlyn is an asshole
by YABOIIII721 October 20, 2019
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