Two really nice human beings that are also hilarious
Wow! These people we met are really nice and also very funny - they’re so Juliette and Brayden!
by thefunniest001 November 23, 2021
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the most self centered annoying girl in existence. Juliette’s only care about themselves and are backstabbers.
“I hate juliette nobody likes her!”
For real, Juliette needs sone actual friends, no wonder she lost her popularity!”
by t4neko February 23, 2022
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She must your ex
One crazy girl
I cant with my ex she's so crazy!
She must be name Juliette
by MEWKO November 18, 2021
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Juliette is that magic thing in your life. She has long dark brown curly hair and shes quite small but shes very charismatic and warm person once you get to know her. Wether shes your friend or girlfriend, you will never get bored with her. She radiates intelligence, has the prettiest eyes, her skin is like warm sand on the beach. She is a great kisser and amazing in bed and she loves talking about sex. She shows a facade of someone who dosent feel anything but shes a sofite and very sensitive and wants to be loved more than anyone. If something is bothering you she will immediately find the rational reason. She hates intrusive people and loves chocolate. She has long dark brown curly hair and shes quite small but shes very charismatic
anyone:Juliette is amazing she's been on my mind since i met her
by elisabeth99boo November 21, 2021
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Name of someone who is a raging bitch
The girls name was probably “Juliette” with the way she was acting.
by o dawg July 30, 2021
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