Post-rave driving when one is still feeling the effects of MDMA or ecstasy. Usually is very dangerous, but euphoric and exciting at the same time. Having people awake in your car lessens the effects of the plur journey,have everyone asleep for maximum plur.

Derived from the acronym/word PLUR which stands for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect, the motto regularly used at modern EDM events.
Jim: Hey who is driving home after EDC?
Jake: I am.
Jim: Are you rolling too?
Jake: Yes, prepare for the plur journey of your life.
by Egas January 27, 2011
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a very dificult task in which you must travel a fairly long distance by foot, preferably four or more miles, and then smoke a lot of weed when you have reached your desination.
Bob: so what are we doing tonight?

Kent: going on a great journey to the top top of Kennesaw Mt.(small mountain in Georgia).

Bob: sweet, you have the pipe?


Bob:lets go
by Yrrab Nivre November 12, 2008
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sexual journey of the cock from the pussy, through the woman's tits and into the mouth.
I did the journey of the giraffe to that bitch last night.
by bxxtch January 6, 2005
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A bad game with stolen assets from tons of people. Search up "Odd_devv exposed" on youtube if you don't believe me.
"A Bizarre Journey stole assets from my game!"
by N7bby February 20, 2021
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Sadly the last update for Terraria, probably gonna be the best. It will be out at 1pm on 5/16/2020.
"Have you played Journey's End?"
"Nah man not yet, I can't wait to play it"
by Evilmario22404 May 16, 2020
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When you're having a Conversation with your friends and you all hear "Don't Stop Believing" and all of you sing the lyrics
Me and my girlfriend were fighting and journey came on the radio. Journey Break saved my relationship.
by Joebro12z April 26, 2010
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Verb. The act of a corporation, organization, or general entity ending support for a public service, platform, or product, most closely associated with technology and internet services. The phrase alludes to the generic corporate doublespeak businesses will oftentimes use when describing their platform or product in an announcement of its imminent demise, to paint it as an undisputed success that benefited the lives of everyone involved, that inexplicably needs to cease to exist a week from now for no particular reason.

Also written as "Incredibly Journeyed/Journey'd" for past tense, and "Incredible Journeying" for present tense.
"Since we launched our compulsory social media livestream environment three years ago and forced you all to migrate and consolidate your accounts to keep using the services you actually care about, we have hosted a countless number of unforgettable experiences between our loyal users, and we are eternally grateful for the connections and memories that have been created on this platform."
"Ah, shit, I'm only one sentence into this announcement post, and I can already tell they're about to Incredible Journey this site."
by notactuallyburnieburns April 15, 2022
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