A term used in anger when you are trying to call someone a jack ass and a bitch at the same time and you fuck up
She screamed at her husband calling him a jack jick after he rolled home at 4 am.
by ughthissucks July 22, 2006
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Phonetic perversion of "JHC," the initials of the Son of God. Primarily used as an intransitive verb indicating antagonistic or irritative action. Also used to imply transitive insult or injury.
Jick off, you stupid flatfoot.

That is the dumbest jicking thing I have ever heard.

Oh my God what the jick BBQ!
by sparCKL March 24, 2009
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A blowjob or sex where the man's penis ejaculates into or in the mouth of the receiving partner.
Roy was getting the best head job in his life. The next thing he knew, he had done blown his jick in the jaws of that bitch.
by Forsaken1982 June 19, 2010
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Making unpleasantly loud sound associated to fart and excretion usually voluntary and uncontrollable.
Nice people tend to understand some ppl making kim-boo-jick-bbo-oong because it naturally voluntary and difficult to be controlled.
by nyoong~ September 6, 2011
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The ability to climb tall buildings with no assistance
Clayton can jick jack billy flop flack easily.

by TIlove February 12, 2009
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An appropriate alias name for any girl or woman named “Tiffany.”
Click Clack the Jick Jack is down in Florida.
by Geckiclog November 3, 2022
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It’s when your crazy of that spunk and you talk to others
Damn nigga, makes me like I’m jick Hossin, *fistbump*
by Cougar swiftly August 4, 2022
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