Amazingly good looking and extremely talented member of AFI
Jade Puget is a very talented man.
by Heidi G November 21, 2006
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th hottest sexiest man with the greatest voice on this destroyed planet!
i love h
by marta July 31, 2003
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-the best guitar player ive ever heard
-the nicest looking dude ive ever seen
-the nicest of all other things
-plays guitar 4 afi , joined in the black sails album.
jade is the only thing that has meaning in my bleak hollow life ... dont call me obsessed! how dare you resist the mighty jade allure!
by nikole December 20, 2003
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Perfection... the only word that can describe this amazing human-being. He is everything and without him there would be nothing else. He is Perfection. Yay, for The Jade!
by Ange de Agonie September 16, 2003
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Extremely wonderful and very cute, indeed (in the not-groupie way!)
Jaaaaddeeee... Can you hear it? it's beatiful...
by Rebella/Sid October 24, 2003
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one of the best guitarists around, in the best band ever AFI. always has to have that one great pink accessory. has interesting but extremely cool hair, kinda reminds me of gumbi. id say that he's hot, but ppl who say that kinda sound like teenieboppers and poseurs, even though he is hot. but ill admire his talent instead.
jade is the smartest guy in the world.
by kristen August 7, 2003
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he is sooo amazing, best guitarist, sexiest man i've ever seen, I LOVE HIM!
and davey too because hes a beautiful and amazing musician. Their both hott ooooohhhhh JADE DO ME NOW
HOT HOT HOT HOT beautiful sexy sexy man... great guitarist too..
by el.t February 6, 2004
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