Jm is a sexy looking tellytubby. Mosstly very nice and caring buy make sure you watch out for jm on a night out. Jm becomes a creature and has one goal which is to get with a anything that moves.
by November 23, 2021
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A unique name for a wonderful guy.
Him: You know JM?
Her: yeah he is such a wonderful guy
by Zer0J November 23, 2021
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One of the funniest guys you'll ever meet, despite growing up with a single parent. Usually easy to get along with and great to have around. This person enjoys conversations and is a great listener.
JM is a word.
by Hayotake November 21, 2021
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An expression that all student in school knows. It stands for and is commonly used as "Juice Man". When someone knows when the bad grade is coming back to them.
Tyler: Hey I just seriously messed up the quiz gimme the JM!
by JENNYMARTELL May 18, 2018
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The man who gives his all.

He’s the most understanding, most caring, most loving and most giving person on this earth. He may not open up in the beginning, but once he is comfortable enough, he will flood you with so much of his hidden personality. From afar he may seem mysterious and quiet, but beneath that wall of protection is an overwhelming complex creature. He has a soft heart, which makes him yield incredible empathy towards others. He’s the type of guy that makes you smile uncontrollably just by looking at him. His love language consists of intimate time with passionate hugs and gentle touch. He’s a classic romantic that will shower you with flowers, gifts, food and more, without being asked to. HE JUST DOES IT.

He knows what he’s doing, even when it’s his first time doing it. Everything comes naturally to him, but he’s humble about all his gifts and talents, humble to the extent that he’s completely naive about his level of talents and skills. Jm never gives up. He’s ambitious and capable of anything he wants. His determination doesn’t come from himself but from the happiness of the person he loves, who he’ll do anything for.

Jm is the man of every hopeless romantics dream. The love of my life and the man I will marry.
I looked at Jm. His dark eyes glowed in the sunlight, like fresh, melting honey in the summer. I felt my cheeks crease and my eyes squint as I can’t help but smile like an idiot… Fuck. I love him.
by milkimoon November 23, 2021
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a bald man who walks like a dinosour and yells at people for just about anything and possibly has a dick in his ass
here comes happy jm to wreck everyones day
by automotiveissick January 14, 2011
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a fun freaky guy.. who looks like a lion. He's very dramatic almost fem, very stubborn and always has to get his own way. A true god in bed could go for hours. Alister JM Wilson has a bod like hulk and a nose like a rocket. He makes you want to have 6000 babies. Extremely strong and could ride you all night long. Alister JM Wilson will never open unto you but he will open you up if yk what I mean ;) He's very sexy and could make you juicy in seconds and just the sound of his voice could get any boy or girl aroused. Alister JM Wilson is the ultimate beast.
omgosh I just got railed with Alister JM Wilson I want 6000 babies.

did you just get railed by Alister JM Wilson? I wish I could get railed by him.

I was eating Alister JM Wilsons booty
by heyheyheyhithere March 14, 2021
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