A hosting provider created for people who don't wanna spend much but has quality service and servers.
Vaporcode Hosting is a cheap hosting provider.
by Vaporcode Hosting November 14, 2022
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A term used to describe web hosts lacking the ability to gaurantee customers good service, good uptime, and other features. Hosts called of this name usually revoke retrievel of website content for website owners, and refuse any customer service. usually Usually associated with bad host managers.
I don't recommend that host. It's a daro host.
by gentiew August 27, 2003
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In DOTA, noob host has a few defination:
1. Complete moron that create a DOTA game and full house, purpose leave the game without the game ever start, annoy everyone out.
2. Host that create a DOTA game but suck at it. Commonly seen as love to become feeder.
3. Host that almost lose the game and leave the game when opponent are closer to their victory, pissing them out.
4. Host that lag the game and delay it, and so on, fucking everyone off.
5. Host that AFK and leave when his level is so low. Example: everyone is above level 18 but host still at 12.
1. Host: ok, gogogo.

AP mode.
Host has left the game.
Gamer 1: Hey, fuck u.
Gamer 2, NOOB HOST LA!

2. gamer 7 pwn host's head for 275 gold!
gamer 7 is beyond godlike! Somebody kill him!
gamer 2: sigh! Host got fucked again!
gamer 3: serve that faggot right! Who ask the noob host to feed gamer 7 so much???
gamer 7: ^^

3. Gamer 7, 8, 9, 10: Yeah! Faster push, we almost win!
Gamer 2, 3, 4, 5: GG! ^^
Host has left the game.
Everyone: zzzzzzzz
Everyone: Piss the host off la!
Gamer 4: LOL! NOOB HOST!

4. Gamer 6: Lag again! Host got tunnel or not???
Host: tunnel already lo!
Gamer 6: then y still lag??
Host: zzzzzzz
Gamer 7: Noob Host! ^^

5. ( Ping the map )
Gamer 5: If wasn't the host afk, we could have win.
Gamer 3: Yalo, Fucking Noob Host!
Gamer 4: See la, host only level 12 only!

Host has left the game.

Everyone: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Gamer 4: Like that also left game. XD!
by sonicstream May 11, 2009
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When you're hosting a party or event and you are stressed out
"Oh my god I don't think I bought enough serviettes Jenny is gonna think I'm incompetent"
"Dude chill you just got Host Roast"
by Bobby Kill August 1, 2017
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A particularly dubious service offered by some web hosting companies. Responsible web hosts will close accounts if their users are found to be involved in spam, a pyramid scheme, or other anti-social activities.

Bulletproof hosts specifically target their services towards spammers. They offer a guarantee that they won't terminate the account even if there are reports of spamming.
Damn, this guy has been sending porn spam and viagra adverts to my 10 year-old daughter but his host won't shut him down. Must be bullet-proof hosting. Where's my shotgun?
by thepreacher May 9, 2005
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When you can't host a party/event/game yourself but offer to pay for all or some of the supplies.
Adam: "Hey guys, sorry, I can't host the poker game next week. I'll ghost host though & pay for the beer"
by JC McJeezy October 16, 2012
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Game-host who is invisible (doesn't play)
I got a bone to pick with the host! Where is he I need to talk to him!
you can't he's a g-host
by GRATZD February 1, 2011
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