The act of embracing a fried, colleague or celebrity while lying on a bed, couch, counter or car seat and without the involvement of any articles of clothing.
Nothing happened in the VIP room with Blake Shelton honey...we were just Horizontal Hugging.
by burKelicious February 28, 2012
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To lay down in a horizontal position. To go to bed, catch some z's, hit the sheets, etc.
What a night, gonna go hit the horizontal.

Stayed up all night studying for exams...time to go finally hit the horizontal.
by Ohsweetbro March 29, 2010
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A large fat fuck that is literally challenged to walk. He usually wobbles as he creates massive earthquakes upon his massive kankles. Usually a horizontally challenged person whether it be a guy or girl smells like shit because they do not wash under their rolls or titties.
Rosie O'donnell is horizontally challenged.
by MrBlik October 30, 2009
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Noun; the act of engaging in sexual intercourse, which is usually associated with two people laying on top of each other on a horizontal surface and engaging in rythmic sex screwing, which may or may not bear resemblance to a dance.
I asked my girlfriend if she would like to do the Horizontal Shuffle, she obliged and so I laid some serious pipe on that broad. I felt like Super Mario after I was done with her.
by Paul Pierre Toucher June 1, 2012
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A politically correct way of calling someone fat, oftentimes used with the vertically challenged to call someone short and fat.
Wow, that guy is horizontally gifted, he weighs over 400 pounds!
by tiger002 May 18, 2010
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When your on top of a girl engaging in the 69 position. Instead of blowing a load you blow ass.
Stacy pissed me off last night so I gave her a horizontal hurricane and blew ass instead of a load.
by Horizontal Hurricane March 13, 2018
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