A girl who is sexy, sometimes short, cute, and is not afraid of many things. she is funny, and has a tad of a dirty mind, all in all a SEX GODDESS!
"Wow look at that chick, whats her name?" "Oh that....thats Hope" Damn...she is SEXXXAAYYY!!" "MMMMhmmm"
by sugadaddy4evaz February 4, 2010
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The delusion that your situation is not as objectively bad as it is.
Hope is the fruitless denial of the more realistic pessimism.
by Killing Kittens January 18, 2005
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A pretty, nice, caring girl who is very fun to be around. She does not like doing dangerous stuff but is adventurous at some times. She is always sarcastic but doesn't laugh a ton. She likes guys but guys that don't live near her. She's "that hope chic"
1. Oh my god! Your being like so hope right now I love it!

2. Haha! Your like a sarcastic hope!
by Thedoorbellisringing August 15, 2013
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The best or worst decision ever. Hangs out with siblings. Hopes always play together.
Hi Hope
by Counting123 March 7, 2018
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Refers to the Hope and Sunshine of the universe... J_HOPE from BTS. When he smiles, i smile. He makes me and other ARMY happy. He has such a sweet smile and I love everything about him from his eyes and nose, down to his thighs, all the way to his feet. Hobi also loves sprite and apparently strawberries. Stan BTS. Stan J-Hope. Stream Hope World. Along with being a happy ball of sunshine, he also is a HOT KING.
I'm your HOPE, you're my HOPE, I'm J-hope. HOPE RIGHT HERE.
by JhopesSpriteu November 15, 2020
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Someone’s fetish word. Also is deranged as hell and likes bagels. Also stay away from two toned bears.
Some crazy man on an island: Hope is contagious, I must have more of that hope!

Man with a a spike on his head: bro wtf?
by Pimpleapps April 7, 2021
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Makoto: We Won't GIVE IN TO DESPAIR!!!!

Junko: Hope suxs
by MrCockAnBalls March 1, 2021
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