Can be short for a Harley Davidson Motorcycle, which are the best kind of motorcycles because Yamaha's and Suzuki's are thin things of shitty plastic on wheels.

Can also be the most amazing guy ever, who loves to joke around, is the sweetest guy ever, at times can be a bit clingy but if you just ask for some space he generally will give you that space. He can be very generous, a tad bit emo-ish, likes to draw when he's bored, his room is very neat and clean minus MAYBE a few things laying around and a non-made bed sometimes, and his bed is also very comfy but his room is usually seen as clean and organized. He loves his screamo, death metal, and pretty much any kind of genre of music that has "metal" in it. He's also in his own band w/his friends, and they are a screamo/death metal band surprised? i think not! He's a little on the chubby side, but truely, he's not fat or really chubby. He's FLUFFY! he can be quite lazy, but if you bug him enough or ask him nicely or bribe him he will usually get off his ass...usually...
But, he's still just the cutest, amazing guy ever. Also, he's very chill, but can be hyper too. He also enjoys skateboarding

If you get a Harley, or know a Harley, and just get to know him, I'm sure you'll also see how awsome he is :)
Harley, get off your fat lazy ass." "How many times do i have to tell you?!!?! im NOT fat! I'm FLUFFY! and why should get off my fluffy lazy ass?" "Cuz I said so...and if you don't your not gettin' none tonight" "damn...fiiiiine..i'll get up....
by Chill Phil Mill Dill June 17, 2010
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The cutest,smartest,nicest,funniest,most caring,loving,guy you will ever meet.He is always making me smile and laugh.He is the most adorable guy in the whole world.I love you Harley😍❤️😘
Harley is so cute.
by Arheijrjrkekeoe November 28, 2018
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Whore who takes pictures of her tits and sends them to her friends.
Whoa did you get those harleys? Nice tits!
by maniacman2591 July 11, 2008
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The hottest guy on the face of the earth, he has a good sense of humour that can sometimes by very offensive. He also has a big dick that he’d wip out as soon as he sees the girl he likes.
Girl: OMG your so hot and your dick is Huge! You must be a Harley!
Harley: I sure am
by HugeBonerBoi123 October 11, 2018
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an amazing good looking guy who makes everyone laugh out loud and is very good at rapping
by beastboy2k8 March 14, 2018
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A unisex name but when used for a girl the girl will not just be your classic horse girl she will genuinely look like a horse dressed as a human. I’m pretty sure any girl with the name “Harley” isn’t actually a girl as the apparent “she” will have the square shoulders of a male as well as a moustache. For some reason that is unknown she will have a sort of “fringe” which is actually just hair growing out of her forehead not to mention her really masculine hairy af eyebrows.

Harley’s will also be very strong and I do not recommend offering one to punch you in the face bc she will do it, she is a psycho.
Harley will also have an weird obsession with serial killers and one day wishes to marry one
Girl 1: “have you seen Harley today?”
Girl 2: “no, she’s probably shaving her eyebrows
by Big chin June 4, 2020
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The absolute best boyfriend in the entire world ,doesn't fail to make you smile ,always there for you supporting you no matter what ,has the best humour .If you're sad be sure that he'll be sad too .Has an unconditional amount of love for you and will make you feel like the most special girl in the world. Ps .He is a great romantic .
by Dreamergirl8555 June 11, 2020
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