Stereotypical name for a Korean dog. Pretty much the Korean version of "Spot", or "Rover".
Sung-bin's dog's name is Happy. No, he's not gonna eat him, you racist fuck.
by wcgold May 15, 2005
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It did not make me happy, exactly, to give birth. In fact, I felt numb and lay, without urgency, in a bath of flowers and herbs, afterwards. Numbness is transgressive. Numbness, though it isn't happiness: helps. It helps to burn the hours into days.
by Bhanu: A Failed Novelist August 14, 2010
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The feeling when you give the wish of "Happy birthday" to your friend.

The feeling when you share happiness.
S:"Happy Birthday To You!"
H:"Thank you. Let's share my birthday cake?"
S:"Thanks, sharing happiness with you is my best happiness."

——Present this word to my friend
by Little Towel June 28, 2010
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Small gifts/presents that are meant to brighten someone's day. Often used when the gift is too small to really be deemed a "present", so it's just a little happy. Sometimes happies are given for no reason at all. Happies are different than gifts because there is usually no expectation that the recipient will reciprocate.

Commonly used in the southeast.
I baked brownies last night and brought them in as a happy for everyone at the office.

My best friend was feeling really down so I got her some little happies from the bakery.

My mom sent me some exam week happies - candy, hot chocolate and new lip gloss.
by girlindallas December 23, 2009
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A chemical reaction in the brain that makes you feel at peace with the world and excited for the future
"why are you smiling?"
"i don't know Jimmy i'm just feeling very happy right now"
by dirtydaddylonglegs March 9, 2017
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