When you're both hungry and angry(well what did you think it was a toilet bowl?!)
You are Hangry When you're both hungry and angry which makes you throw a temper tantrum!
by the most cool person May 29, 2020
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The state of being hungry and angry. The reason for being is angry is because you are so hungry it angers you.
"I'm so freaking hangry, I don't care what we eat."
by December 5, 2016
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state of being so hungry that it makes you angry.
I was rude to my boyfriend because I was so hangry.
by LAbs February 19, 2013
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When you're mad and hungry at the same time
Passerby: D u d e, why is she eatin' that God like that?
You: OBVIOUSLY she's hangry. .
Passerby: The fuck is that fam?
by PissenlitChienne July 1, 2015
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When you are so hungry that you want to bitch slap everyone in sight
Man, today I skipped breakfast, then jordy pussy slapped
Me and
I was just so god damn hangry
by Ermerm February 2, 2017
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When you're crazy angry because you're so hungry!
You're acting mean. I think you're hangry.
by DietCherryPoison August 18, 2011
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When you are so hungry, that’s you are angry.
Joe is very hangry after not eating since 6:00am.
by Mrcdogs20 June 28, 2021
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