(n) The basic fighting orc unit in Warcraft III.
(v) To make a low grumbling noise.
(n) Grunts are the 0wnage!
(v) When cave men have sex, they grunt.
by ChaosChronicle January 7, 2004
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Private in Army is known as a gurunt
Officers have been heard yelling " GRUNT GRUNT you little C#$T!"
by Aard Vark May 12, 2003
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Another name for a woman’s private part: Cunt.
Tighter than a ho's grunt.
by steve November 11, 2004
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"Stay away from that guy, he's a grunt."
by x January 23, 2003
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Government Reject Unfit for Normal Training
Oi you fucking plant life , you are a grunt !
by LondonDaz March 17, 2008
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Term used by authoritarians like football coaches or military drill instructors to get you to stop camping out on the shitter.
This ain't no vacation spot! Grunt, grunt, squeeze and get back on the field!

Grunt, grunt, squeeze, privates! And you need to be wiping while you're walking! Left, wipe, left, wipe, left!
by roadrnr78 October 16, 2014
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a form of comunication let lets you know whos around
tom grunted
he listened and 3 grunts came back
by joseph conlan May 16, 2006
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