Gloria is an aisian looking Mexican girl. She is also the biggest slag on the planet as she has got with at least 16 boys in the past 5 months. She seems to be proud of herself for being such a player. Don’t be friends with her, especially as she is an immigrant.
Gloria the immigrant
by I’m not an immigrant March 24, 2019
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A Gloria is a backstabbing pain in the ass person who swears heaps. Never trust a Gloria, they will only betray you and spread bad rumours about you. They will act friendly at the start then turn out to be cyco. Gloria's tend to end up lonely and die old with nobody that loves them. She tends to laugh at you, call you names and punch you. They will even make your boyfriend dump you. WATCH OUT FOR GLORIA'S! THEY ARE TO BE TRUSTED UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES!
Guy: God that person is so bitchy!
Girl: Yeah. That's Gloria.
Guy: Should've spotted that one!
by Awesome Anonymous Person June 22, 2012
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Gloria is a fierce young lady with the tolerance to expel splendidly. She loves her friends (ecspecially Abby) and will always be there for them. She loves reading, but can get caught up trust issue, and doesn’t seem to pour out her soul to you. She wants to keep this short because she’s super irritated. (With Abby)
Gloria just punched me in the mouth, why does that happen often?
by Master of the internet July 25, 2018
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She is the worst person on earth and everyone wishes shes dead
omg shes such a gloria, what a cunt
by Afropapi123 January 27, 2022
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An all around shitty person. Doesn't know how to act their age. They think that they are better than anyone surrounding them. Starts issues with everyone for no apparent reason. Most likely going through intensive menopause.
That lady over there named Gloria is a sour fuckin' human being; I feel bad for her poor husband.
by YungChrxst September 14, 2017
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She is a fake fake and bitchy person
I bet her name is Gloria
by The _Real_Tea_Sis April 8, 2019
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