Their favorite color is pink
Usually described as weak or fearful
Likes shopping and skirts/dresses
Usually uses "Oh my gosh" " Oh my god" "Like"
If her clothes get messed up, she makes a scene
Hates mud/dirt
Into boys..and not the only friends way
Carries a purse around
Girl 1: OMG! Did you see Jason, he is like soo cute!
Girl 2: I know! How do I look?
Girl 1 and 3:Perfect!
Girl 2:Ya, I'm going shopping today, come, ok?
Girl 1,2,and 3:Like totally!
Girl 4:*mumbling and rolling her eyes* Girly girls..
by Kurayami November 21, 2005
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California State Democrats

Arnold Schwarzenigger called them girlie-men for failing to pass the budget while sucking up to special interests.
"I call them girlie men"
by Manly Girl July 21, 2004
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What Arnold thinks of the other peolple running for governors.
"They are girly men" - Arnold S.
by Joshjennings August 5, 2004
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A non-geographic location where a group of women are instantly transported when they become engaged in conversation. Result: Becoming completely oblivious to their surroundings and anything going on around them.

Note: Transportation is particularly effective when combined with alcohol.
Guy 1: So ladies... are we about ready to go to the party?
Ladies: Hee Hee....I know... blah, blah, blah
Guy 2: Dude, they're in Girly World right now. You could say anything around them and they wouldn't know it.
Guy 1: Huh?
Guy 2: OK Ladies... we're ready for the group sex portion of the evening so if you could start getting naked we can begin.
Ladies: Hee Hee....I know... blah, blah, blah
Guy 2: See what I mean?
by JB4375 May 17, 2007
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1950's (etc) "porn" magazine featuring scantily-clad females (about like modern underwear ads!!)
john's mom took away his girly magazines AND his comic books, its' no wonder hes' now a porn executive!!

-took my girly magazine into the 'loo' and set myself off!!
by michael foolsley February 20, 2010
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Buffalax's "translation" of the Tamil word "Golimar". A mondegreen.
"Girly man! Girly ma-a-a-aaaaaan! Gosh my old calculator ain't got no bow!" (Indian Thriller)
by .NetRolller 3D November 11, 2008
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