Germany is alot like Wisconsin, but with a bad past.
I don't like Germany, but Wisconsin is awesome.
by Rlvers March 11, 2011
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The place where cucks and shitskins come together to start bonfires and beheadings on the streets.
Hey Abdul, look at that gorgeous girl.
Let's rape and kill that infidel, Mohhamed.
Later on the news:
Male from Germany stabs his wife.
by C4SyS@cMwNjTjGQ6iH7 July 7, 2018
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A magical place that you can only get to on a magic carpet ridein a time befor we can even remember Germany was already divided in half with a good side and a bad side. For many years the two sides battled for the land even though the door could not be opend a young man from parts unknown rather a stranger accidently opend the door colliding the 2 sides. That mans name was Skyler Tyzon thus emerged the battle for good and evil. Evil won the terrible war which triggerd events that emerged WW1. The evil King Krawg was dying so he hid in a mans body that man was Adolf Hitler.for many years WW1 was fought then WW2 emerged. Then one day a brave little caterpillar prince embeded himself in Hitlers brain Krawg found out and shot him self trying to kill the Prince. After that Germany was free and this time a wall was built. But there was unfinished buisness betwwen the Caterpillar Prince and the new ruler of Evil Gorpgorp Krawgs father Girgorp destroyed the wall but fortunatley the goos side won. And now the Caterpillar Prince rules Germany and made it what it is today.

The End!
Boberto: you know what i love about Germany

Hankerson: Its history?

Boberto: No! the women
by Caterpillar Prince January 2, 2009
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A country that used to be one of the most powerful in the world, but that after WW2 was made into an American style republic. Now led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, a puppet of the USA, It could be the 51 st state. It retains some of its traditions, but only to retain tourism and make profit in an american capitalist way. Also the butt of many jokes, because of its failure during WW2.
A jew walking in Germany, spits on the floor and slaps a german woman in the face. A policeman comes to arrest him.
"You are under arrest Sir"
Jew shows him his Israeli passport
"Im sorry to have bothered you Sir, Goodbye"
by NIKKK777 September 5, 2008
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The country that takes a very wonderful man away from his very wonderful lady :(
I wish all the airports in Germany would simultaneously close so I wouldn't have to be sad.
by far away February 18, 2009
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