Angela Merkel
by carkcarkcarkcarkcarkcarkcark May 29, 2020
1. The current chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.
2. A woman who was the victim of an unwelcome massage at the hands of a U.S. President.
2. A woman who was the victim of an unwelcome massage at the hands of a U.S. President.
The Groper in Chief, George W. Bush, recently snuck up behind Angela Merkel and gave her an unwelcome massage.
by jesster79 July 20, 2006
Chancellor of Germany. She’s like Obama but a white woman. Elected to a fourth term, she makes white men in germany feel how black women feel in America. She also won 2018’s thickest world leader award.
I masturbate to pictures of Angela Merkel
by condoms r too small for me March 28, 2019