Wife of son of daughter of India's first Prime Minister, all of whom were in the Indian National Congress political party.

Born in Italy. Met her future husband in Cambridge, UK.

Eventually went on to become the president of the Indian National Congress (after assassination of her husband Rajiv Gandhi, former president of INC, who was son of Indira Gandhi, former president of INC, who was daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, former president of INC).

Turned down Prime Ministership when INC won the 2004 Indian general elections. Instead installed her puppet (Dr. Manmohan Singh, who was not even a Member of Parliament initially) as the Prime Minister.

To be succeeded by her son, Rahul Gandhi (because he is her son).
And they all say that India is a democracy... How so, when the current INC president, Sonia Gandhi, continues the long line of dynastic rule in the Indian National Congress?
by Vijay K August 1, 2013
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An explanation for passing up a meal with friends, because you don't have the money for the meal, but don't want to admit to not having the money.
(When someone invites you to go eat)
"Hey bro,you wanna go to Zaxby's?"
"I'll pass mate, I'm Going Gandhi tonight "

(When in a group at a restaurant)

-"Hey man aren't you going to order?"

-"Nope, Going Gandhi Tonight"
by gelogmarine May 7, 2010
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Gandhi paradox is a phenomenon referring to nuclear Gandhi from Sid Meier's Civilization. This paradox can be described as Gandhi who is so peaceful as he reaches a negative value of non-aggressivity and starts attacking everyone.
In other words, something is so good/bad that it reaches the point where it turns opposite.
My life is like Gandhi paradox. The older I get as a child, the happier I was. But when I reached the top I suddenly turned into depressed sh*t.
by DARG0N May 31, 2021
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when you fast for three days without sleep and then take shrooms
you guys want to gandhi trip?

Peter, do you die from not sleeping or from fasting?

"Gandhi didn't die from starvation"

"Nah he died from shrooms"
by ossum-o-possum June 24, 2014
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When ya girl doesn’t eat for three weeks and her first meal is your nut.
Finally let the upstairs girl give me some sloppy Gandhi. Man was she hungry.
by Tedmburke March 20, 2021
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1.) A chill person who likes to get really fucked up and go crazy. Also people that like to get super gandhi which means to get really fucked up all the time or on a regular basis.
Dude: Daammn dude you are so chill but get so crazy when you're really fucked up.

Dudes friend: Yup thats why they call me a Gandhi Warrior.
by lobo187 October 21, 2011
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An Indian man who makes a woman forget all other lovers because of his ability in bed
Once Mary had a Gandhi Cock she can never be with another man
by Rich Devlin September 5, 2007
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