Logic at negative infinity and ignorance at positive infinity.
A friend I don't have- look flat earther!
Me- you mean a waste of earth's resources right?

A friend I don't have- look flat earther!
Me- Oh so that's why I just lost all my brain cells.
by pwarrow88 November 23, 2021
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Morons who believe the earth is flat, even though it makes no sense from 3 key points
1. If earth is flat, why are the other planets not?
2. If earth is a disk, explain how from the moon, earth has some continents that remain hidden from view when looking at it straight on?
3. If earth Is flat, then how can you explain how Antarctica is a massive island that can be seen from space?

Bonus point!
If earth is flat then why is the water not pooling to the centre of the world's surface due to gravitational pull to the centre of the world?
Normal person 1: uses logic to disprove flat earther's conspiracy theories

Flat earther walks away
Normal person 2: outstanding move!
by Dopeytwitsucksatfootball October 18, 2021
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A person who challenges the beliefs that they are told through school and do experiments to find that the earth is truly flat. Smartest people on PLANE earth

Don't dissmiss it because it sounds stupid
No flat earther wants to be rediculed but the truth is the truth and it will set you free
Google' Eric Dubay 200 reasons why earth is not a spinnning ball
Have you seen the boats going over the curvature

No- the earth is flat, take a good telescope and it will be back, I'm a flat earther
by Flatearth April 9, 2017
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People who are correct. They know the truth about what our world looks like.
The Flat Earthers are correct in their own little universe.
by 1973memes with helicopters August 15, 2017
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A person that gains sexual pleasure from other people in animal suits and believe that the earth is flat.
I love how these furries believe they are yiffing fucking on an that's shaped like a disk. These strange creatures are refered to as flat earther furries
by emintz01 October 25, 2017
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a intellectual person who is hundreds of years smarter that us, and has already found the meaning of life. most flatearthers are united, so if you fight with one, you deal with tribe.
dude 1- wow your pretty dumb
dude 2- thanks, at least im not a flat earther
dude 3- that was rude to all flat earthers
flatearthers- *gang up on dude two*
by FlatEartherGang November 7, 2018
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Flat Earthers are people who discovered the earth is flat by looking at the evidence and not at the sophism presented by the globbies. If you look you'll find all the "proof" for a round earth doesn't exist.
Funny how globbies say that flat earthers live in the dark ages when most of flat Earth arguments are valid, reasonable and they seem to match with reality
Yes, I thought it was as stupid as you are probably thinking right now but when you research it and see the evidence for yourself then there is no going back.
Search Eric Dubay 200 proofs
Indoctrinated baller' hey have you seen the ISS docking
Me; ISS doesn't exist. If it did someone would have footage of going to it and a 360 video inside of it.(you see a 360 pan doesn't exist in space). Furthermore the crew are all Freemasons that swear in the oath of secrecy to come on board. Not to mention the ISS supposedly travels at 17000mph meaning it would go to extreme cold to exteme heat in minutes. I'm a flat earther you see.
by Flatearth July 29, 2017
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