A nasty, viscious little stinky demon who bites and steals food right out of your hand. "Ferret musk" is the odor that is naturally expressed from its scent glands. they are illegal in some states and ought to be put into extinction.
"What the hell? That goddamn ferret just snatched my cookie, bit me and then stared at me from the corner with pure evil in his eyes and the cookie in his mouth."
by ferretophobic September 5, 2006
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when someone over uses something the are a ferret
"scotts a ferret, he nibbles that skatepark to much, he needs to ride some trails!!"
by cellardoor4130 May 21, 2005
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The hair on your butthole when there is not quite hair all around your checks... this is called the ferrett, becuase it looks similar to a ferrett.
Friend A: I have no hair on my butt checks but i do have hair on my butthole.
Friend B: Oh man you have the ferret, sweet!!!
by Ferrett masta December 11, 2005
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Someone who causes mischief.
Some cheeky ferret snatched my wallet. Glob dang it, Danny!
by zimmygirl777 March 12, 2023
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An impossible situation that serves no purpose anyway. Something unachievable yet completely irrelevant, like trying to get a live ferret into an novelty balloon for no apparent reason.
1. Phil had three minutes to shave his muttonchops before his wife got home, not that she'd notice anyway. It was a total balloon ferret
2. Guy to insane girlfriend "You want me to stay awake with you through all of the Twilight movies? What a fucking balloon ferret."
by sabbat7001 May 25, 2013
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taking ownership and sexual conquest of another's genitalia--most often but not exclusively a female's.
Holy shit! wipe that smile off your face--did you just badge that ferret?
by sir spamalot April 5, 2012
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